Kamis, 27 April 2017

A Simple Tamago Nori, Yet Delicious

Welcome back to my blog 🎉.
This week i wanna to talking about my favorite food, Egg!
You can make many kind of food from  egg. So on this post i want to tell you how to make an egg roll (tamago nori).
Egg roll is a popular dish from Japan, called tamago. Tamago mean egg and nori mean seaweed. To make an egg roll is very simple, so check this out!

Ingredients :
1. Three eggs
2. Water (not to much)
3. Salt
4. Pepper
5. Margarine
6. A sheet of seaweed

How to make :
1. Prepare the egg, crack all the eggs and begin to whisk to blend.
2. Pour water into the dough eggs (just a half of a small glass)
3. Give salt and pepper according to taste
4. Turn on the stove and wait until the pot hot, then put the margarine as much as 2 tablespoons.
5. Pour the egg mixture to the surface of the pan until its covered, don't poured all.
6. After the first layer already half cooked, put one sheet of seaweed on top of it.
7. Then do the same thing with the fifth step.
8. Wait until the egg cooked. After that, try to flip the egg to half shape and pour the egg mixture again.
9. And flip on the other side.
Now your egg roll is ready to enjoy!

Easy right? You can also make an egg roll by yourself.
I have cook an egg roll before I post this blog.

Wish you Have a great weekend!
See you on next post!
Bye bye~

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